62 – Install Service Pack 2 for Project Server 2007

Table of content

Before everything.............................................................................................................................. 2

Install SP2 for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0............................................................................... 2

Deploy software updates for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0................................................. 2

To view the upgrade.log file....................................................................................................... 4

To verify through direct examination of the SQL schema............................................................. 5

To view servers versions in the Farm page................................................................................. 5

Update language template packs................................................................................................ 5

Project Server 2007 Service Pack 2 Version Numbers...................................................................... 6















Before everything

1.      Run a backup or better, an image disk of your server…
NB :  The two following points about the two hotfixes (952000 and 952067) are useless according to Christophe Fiessinger.

2.      Hotfix 952000 on servers running Project Server 2007 : correct Fixed Duration tasks issue. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=149669
NB : this Hotfix needs an authorization for download from Microsoft Support :
Phone: 001.800.936.35.000
KB Article Number(s): 952000
Language: All (Global)
Platform: i386
Location: http://hotfixv4.microsoft.com/Microsoft%20Office%20Project%20Server%202007/sp2/officekb952000fullfilex86glb/12.0000.6313.5000/free/347170_intl_i386_zip.exe
Password: meVM#[Vg

3.      Hotfix 952067 on client computers  running Project Professional 2007 still for Fixed Duration tasks issue

KB Article Number(s): 952067
Language: All (Global)
Platform: i386
Location: http://hotfixv4.microsoft.com/Microsoft%20Office%20Project%202007/sp2/officekb952067fullfilex86glb/12.0000.6313.5000/free/347344_intl_i386_zip.exe
Password: JxO0uyZ

Attention: Note of Christophe Fiessinger [MSFT]:

These two hotfixes (952000  and  952067) are part of SP2 so no need to do a separate install.

4.      Stop the World Wide Web Publishing Service on all the Web servers to disconnect all the users from the server farm. In server farms with multiple front-end Web servers, end users will not be able to browse the Web sites when files and databases have been updated on the first front-end Web server while the other Web servers still contain previous files and databases.

Install SP2 for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

Project Server 2007 is built on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. Before installing 2007 Microsoft Office Servers SP2, you must first install SP2 for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0; this article documents both installations.

 However, for detailed information about applying Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP2 to various deployment scenarios, see Deploy software updates for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

You already stopped the World Wide Web Publishing Service on all the Web servers to disconnect all the users from the server farm.

5.      Verify that all Windows SharePoint Services upgrade jobs are complete. You can check for in-progress upgrade processes in the Timer Job Status page on the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.

For more information, see Deploy software updates for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

Deploy software updates for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0


Additional recommendations:

Check the status of Timer Jobs. When you first installed Windows SharePoint Services on the Web servers in your server farm, if you used an upgrade method — either in-place or gradual — and upgrade jobs remain in progress, the software update installation might fail.

You must verify that none of the upgrade processes are running. Go to the SharePoint Central Administration site, click Operations, and in the Global Configuration section click Timer job status.

 If any upgrade jobs are listed, you must allow the upgrade to complete before you install the software update.

The upgrade jobs that appear on the Timer Job Status page result from either or both of the following operations:

·        Sites are in the process of being upgraded.

·        You chose the in-place upgrade option in the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

 Note: When you run an in-place upgrade, all content and configuration data are upgraded in place, at one time. When you start the in-place upgrade process, the Web server and Web sites remain offline until the upgrade has been installed. When you perform an in-place upgrade, you cannot pause or roll back to the previous version.

After you have verified that no upgrade items are listed on the Timer Job Status page, you can continue to install the software update.

If there are orphaned objects in the content databases — orphans are items that do not have any parent or child relationships — the software update installation fails.
To ensure that the installation succeeds, you must either fix the relationship of objects or drop the orphans before you begin the software update installation. For more information about a resolution of the problem of one or more orphaned objects in the content database, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article titled Error message when you try to upgrade Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0: "Upgrade has encountered one or more lists that were not updated by Prescan.exe and must exit"


If you customized a predefined site template by directly modifying the site template files — an action that Microsoft does not recommend — the software update installation might overwrite some of the files that you modified, and your customizations in those files will be lost. You must reapply any site-template customizations after you install the software update.

Stop the World Wide Web Publishing service (W3SVC) on all front-end Web servers to disconnect all the users from the server farm. In server farms with multiple front-end Web servers, if you allow users to connect after the files and databases have been updated on one Web server but not on other Web servers, users cannot browse the Web sites.

 Note: If you manually stop the World Wide Web Publishing service, you must manually start it at the end of the installation.

 Before you start the backup, clean up your environment by performing the following steps:

Defragment all of the SQL Server database indexes. For more information, see How to defragment Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 databases and SharePoint Server 2007 databases http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=102795&clcid=0x409

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0


owssvr.dll version number:

Release To Manufacturing


Service Pack 1


Infrastructure Update (IU)


December Cumulative Update


Service Pack 2



Important: Remember to run either the SharePoint Configuration Wizard or Psconfig.exe at the command prompt on every server in your farm to complete the update. You are not required to run the SharePoint Configuration Wizard or Psconfig between each step in the sequence. You can wait until all updates are installed on a given server before you run the SharePoint Configuration Wizard or Psconfig.

You must remove the Web servers that run WSS 3.0 from service for the duration of the software update installation. The reason for doing this is that the software update might make schema changes to the SQL Server database, and user authoring during the upgrade might result in the front-end and back-end servers having different content.

To deploy software updates in a server farm you must be logged on to the Web server or application server as a Domain account.

The Domain account must have the following permissions:

·        Member of the Administrators group on the Web server computer.

·        Member of the Administrators group on the server that runs SQL Server. Or, owner of the fixed database role db_owner for all SharePoint Products and Technologies databases.

To ensure that you have the correct permissions to install the software update and run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard, Microsoft recommends that you add the account for the SharePoint Central Administration v3 application pool identity to the Administrators group on each of the local Web servers and application servers and then log on by using that account. These changes are only required for installing the update and then running the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard to complete the upgrade. After you finish installing the update, remove the account on each of the local Web servers and the application servers.

To view the upgrade.log file

1.      In Windows Explorer, change to the following directory:

%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\12\LOGS

2.      Use a text editor to open the Upgrade.log file.

3.      Scroll to the date on which you installed the software update.

4.      Search, or visually scan, for the following entries:

Finished upgrading SPFarm Name= <Name of Configuration Database>

In-place upgrade session finishes. Root object = SPFarm=<Name of Configuration Database>, recursive = True. 0 errors and 0 warnings encountered.

If you find these entries, the installation was successful.

To verify through direct examination of the SQL schema

This SQL Server query can be run on any SharePoint Products and Technologies database to track all the upgrades run on the database in the GUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:

USE WSS_Content

SELECT * FROM Versions

The highest value that maps to the preceding GUID should equal the current version of the product. For Service Pack 1 the version should include 6211.

To view servers versions in the Farm page

1.      Use one of the following methods to open the servers in the Servers in Farm page:

On the Central Administration home page, click Operations. Then, on the Operations page, in the Topology and Services section, click Servers in farm.

2.      On the Servers in Farm page, next to Version, check the version number of each server in the farm to verify that each one has been updated to the new binary version.

If the version number matches the version number for the software update, you have succeeded in updating the server.

If the version number is not correct, the software update installation did not complete successfully. To identify and resolve the blocking issues, follow the "To view the upgrade log file" procedure earlier in this article. (page 4)

Update language template packs

For each language template pack installed on a server that renders content, you must install updated language template packs. To install the language template packs, you can download updated language template packs through the Microsoft Download Center. However, it is recommended that you browse to the Microsoft Update or Windows Update Web sites to detect the language template packs installed on your front-end Web server. An updated language template pack is installed for each language template pack that is currently installed.

You must run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard after updated language template packs have been installed for each currently installed language template pack.

To create an installation location that you can use to install the language template packs with software updates already applied, see the topic Create an installation source that includes software updates (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0).


Project Server 2007 Service Pack 2 Version Numbers

Microsoft Office Project Server 12.0.6425.100



Database Versions Table (Reporting database for instance) : 12.0.6422.100


Project Professional: 12.0.6425.100


April Cumulative Update (April CU).

April CU does not contain all the fixes from Service Pack 2 (SP2) which was released on 4/28.

So you need to install both SP2 and April CU to have all the latest updates.

Install Process of Service Pack 2

Step 1: WSS 3.0 SP2

On the server hosting the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, install the binary files for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 2.

Do not run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

Step 2: Office Server 2007 SP2

On the server hosting Central Administration, install the binary files for Office Server 2007 Service Pack 2, of which Project Server 2007 Service Pack 2 is a part.

Do not run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

Step 3: WSS 3.0 SP2 on all other servers

On all other servers in the farm, install binary files for both Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 2 and Office SharePoint Server 2007 Service Pack 2.
Do not run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard when installation of the binary files concludes for either update.

Step 4: Run the Wizard on every server 

1.      On the server hosting Central Administration, run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

2.      On all remaining servers in the farm, run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

Install a Cumulative Update

Made an image disk before installing any CU!

Step 1: WSS 3.0 Update

On the server hosting Central Administration, install the binary files for the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 cumulative update. Do not run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

Step 2: Project Server 2007 Cumulative Update

Disconnect users from the server farm by stopping the World Wide Web Publishing service (w3svc) on all Web servers.
On the server hosting Central Administration, install the binary files for the Project Server 2007 Cumulative Update. Do not run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

Step 3: WSS and Project Server updates on all other servers

On all other servers in the farm, install binary files for both the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Project Server 2007 Cumulative Updates. Do not run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard when installation of the binary files concludes for both.

Step 4: Run the Wizard on Central Admin server

On the server hosting Central Administration, run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

Step 5:  Run the Wizard on all other servers

On all remaining servers in the farm, run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

Step 6: CU on Project Professional 2007

If required, install the corresponding Project 2007 Cumulative Update to all Project Professional 2007 computers that connect to the server (as per the Infrastructure Update requirement).